Tuesday 27 January 2015

Disco Volante - Giving it all in Space and Time !

Listeners have waited a long time for the release of new Disco Volante material.

Ever since Medical Records re released No Motion in 2012 I have been working an new material for an album "The Last Days of Disco Volante"

Partly autobiographical the album looks at a journey through a life of hedonism and lost love.

The first track to this album is Space and Time, and on 2 February 2015, Disco Volante will be releasing the Space and Time EP. The EP includes both the original version of Space and Time and an edit, there is also a 9 minute electro trance remix. The EP is topped off with my version of the T.Rex classic Get It On, or Bang a Gong if you live in the US. There is a an edit and the 7 minute Hasta Fuego Revolution Mix. I actually recorded Get It On 3 years ago and now it has seen the light of day.

There will be 3 videos to promote the Space and Time EP and the first one, presented here is Space and Time. Look out for videos for the Space and Time Remix and Get it On in coming weeks.

Anyone who is interested in Disco Volante can write to me My Email Address.

Terry Tanx